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Case Study: How We Use Geolocation Data to Deliver Added Value to Your Channel Partners
Problem: A profitable Midwest composite lumber company’s marketing team wanted to implement a new lead generation campaign, but they were lacking the tools they needed to measure ROI and a way to process the newly generated leads. They also wanted to put a consistent method in place to get the new leads out to their field…
Increase Revenue With a SPIFF Program
Sales incentives are not a new idea in the retail world. In fact, Sales Promotion Incentive For Frequent Sales, or SPIFFS – small, usually monetary bonuses – are said to have been used as far back as the early 1900’s in the furniture industry and were an integral part of bringing Apple computers to the masses. Separate…
Employee Tenure Is Our Key to Success
Over the course of this year, I have reflected many times on the 30th anniversary of Marketing Support Services and one thing keeps standing out in my mind – I’ve been saying “good morning” to the same people every day for as long as I can remember. Gail, in the Contact Center has been with MSS…
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